A glimpse of the in-person sessions I (co-)facilitated:

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πŸ”· A 3-day international meeting in The Hague for nine teams at Oxfam from across the globe to create a more cohesive and accountable team and network of Oxfam colleagues, and to work together on a joint strategy and planning for shared advocacy opportunities under the Together Against Poverty (phase 2) project. In the run-up to the meeting, I designed the meeting flow based on the intended objectives and outputs in coordination with the core team.

β€œI wanted to thank you for leading us through a really productive - and fun - 3 days. I admire your grace under pressure, your ability to be firm yet warm, and your problem-solving skills. You are really, really good at your job!”

πŸ”· A 2-day strategy meeting for the leadership team of the International Confederation of Midwives. The aim was to focus on the dynamic in the leadership team, and their ways of working and allow for blue-sky thinking to come up with bold ideas for the four priorities in the strategic plan 2024- 2026.

β€œThank you again for all of your work with us, it was brilliant, really useful for us. I hope we have the chance to work together in the future too.”

πŸ”· A 2-day hybrid strategy meeting for the Oxfam EU affiliates working on food, climate and economic justice. With 30 colleagues in the room and other colleagues joining online, each of the three thematic groups worked towards a joint work plan that outlines the objectives, deliverables, roles, and responsibilities for joint influencing work for the coming year.

β€œWe were really happy with your support and facilitation skills. You pulled us out of the boring presentations and made the sessions much more lively/engaging/interactive. I have learned a lot from you about shifting the focus from content to process.”

πŸ”· An interactive workshop on the topic of vitality, designed for the volunteers of youth network Haagse Helpers based on conversations with a core group of volunteers.

✍️ LinkedIn post by Haagse Helpers

πŸ”· The exploratory workshops 'Find your Ikigai' during the Just Peace Career & Talent Event, together with Jill Wilkinson who introduced me to this Japanese concept. Through interactive activities and personal stories, we introduced the idea behind Ikigai and let the participants reflect on what matters to them. The audience was a mix of students, entry-level and mid-level professionals.

✍️ Article about this event

πŸ”· On behalf of ImpactBasis, I co-designed and facilitated team building activities and discussions during two Oxfam Novib team's away days. The focus was on identifying the team's strengths and challenges and how to move forward as a new team.

🎦 Video by Oxfam Novib participant